
Patch management is the process of distributing and applying updates to software. 这些补丁通常是纠正错误所必需的 被称为“漏洞”或“bug”在软件中. 

This video covers the basics of patch management, including what it is and why it is important. 您还将了解补丁-操作系统供应商的常见来源, 应用程序供应商, and network equipment vendors—and how patch management tools can help you remediate vulnerabilities.

需要打补丁的常见领域包括操作系统, 应用程序, 嵌入式系统(如网络设备). 当软件发布后发现漏洞时, 可以使用补丁进行修复. Doing so helps ensure that assets in your environment are not susceptible to exploitation. 



  • 安全: Patch management fixes vulnerabilities on your software and 应用程序 that are susceptible to 网络攻击,帮助您的组织降低其安全风险. 
  • 系统正常运行时间: Patch management ensures your software and 应用程序 are kept up-to-date and run smoothly, 支持系统正常运行时间.  
  • 合规: 随着网络攻击的持续增加, organizations are often required by regulatory bodies to maintain a certain level of compliance. 补丁管理是一个必须坚持的环节 遵从性标准
  • 功能改进: Patch management can go beyond software bug fixes to also include feature/functionality updates. Patches can be critical to ensuring that you have the latest and greatest that a product has to offer. 

补丁管理vs. 脆弱性管理

补丁管理是每个程序的重要组成部分 脆弱性管理 solution. However, having a consistent approach to patch management doesn’t always mean slapping a fix on everything in sight. 当一个漏洞被识别出来时,你基本上有三个选择:

  1. 安装补丁 对于漏洞(如果可用),以修复问题.
  2. 实施补偿控制 因此,该漏洞在没有完全修补的情况下得到了缓解. 当还没有适当的修复程序或补丁可用时,此路径很常见, 并且可以用来为最终的补救争取时间.
  3. 接受风险 被这种脆弱所威胁,却什么都不做.

It’s up to organizations to decide which option is best for them in specific situations, 尽管修补是我们最终追求的理想治疗方法.

The terms “patch management” and “脆弱性管理” are sometimes used interchangeably, 但是理解其中的区别是很重要的. 尽管这两种策略都旨在降低风险, patch management (the process of managing software updates) is limited in scope.

为了更深入地了解你所处的环境,并使之见多识广, 有效的决策, you need to move to a more holistic approach through 脆弱性管理. 漏洞管理是一个持续的识别过程, 优先级, 医治, and reporting on security vulnerabilities in systems and the software that runs on them.


补丁管理是漏洞管理的重要组成部分, 但这只是拼图的一部分. To successfully embed patch management into your 脆弱性管理 program, 应采取以下步骤:

  1. 建立资产管理. Your ability 降低风险 is only as good as the visibility you have into your environment. An asset management solution helps you gain a full understanding of the assets you have and the vulnerabilities associated with each asset. 有了这些知识, 你有能力对漏洞进行优先排序, 纠正问题, 与利益相关者进行有效的沟通.
  2. 优先考虑漏洞. 在有限的时间和资源以及不断变化的威胁环境下, it’s unrealistic to think that you can fix every vulnerability as soon as it appears. Consequently, prioritization is one of the most critical aspects of 脆弱性管理.
  3. 修复漏洞 降低风险. 识别漏洞并确定其优先级非常重要, but you’re not actually reducing risk unless you’re 医治 the issues.
  4. 衡量您的漏洞管理程序的成功. No matter how many fancy features a 脆弱性管理 solution has, it’s only worth the investment if it meets your organization’s unique needs and adds value for you and your team. To determine if you’re achieving a good ROI—and justify the purchase to senior leadership—you’ll have to determine how to measure success.
  5. 发展伙伴关系和支持. 当事情出错时, you want to know you have a team of people you can rely on to help troubleshoot.


  • 更安全的环境: 当你定期修补漏洞时, you’re helping to manage and reduce the risk that exists in your environment. 这有助于保护您的组织免受潜在的安全破坏.
  • 快乐的客户: If your organization sells a product or service that requires customers to use your technology, 你知道这项技术真正起作用有多重要. 补丁管理是修复软件错误的过程, 这有助于保持您的系统正常运行. 
  • 没有不必要的罚款: 如果你的组织没有打补丁, 因此, 不符合合规标准, 你可能会被监管机构罚款. 成功的补丁管理可确保您符合要求. 
  • 持续的产品创新: You can implement patches to update your technology with improved features and functionality. This can provide your organization with a way to deploy your latest innovations to your software at scale. 


It would be a poor strategy to just install new patches the second they become available for all assets in your organization's inventory without considering the impact. 相反,应该采取一种更具战略性的方法. 补丁管理应以详细的, organizational process that is both cost-effective and security-focused.  

  1. 为所有生产系统编制最新的清单; 无论是按季度还是按月, this is the only way to truly monitor what assets exist in your ecosystem. 通过勤勉的资产管理, 您将对操作系统有一个全面的了解, 版本类型, 和存在的IP地址, 以及它们的地理位置和组织“所有者”.“一般来说, 你越频繁地维护你的资产清单, 你就会了解得越多.
  2. Devise a plan for standardizing systems and operating systems to the same version type: 虽然很难执行, standardizing your asset inventory makes patching faster and more efficient. You’ll want to standardize your assets down to a manageable number so that you can accelerate your remediation process as new patches are released. This will help save both you and technical teams time spent 医治.
  3. Make a list of all security controls that are in place within your organization: 跟踪您的防火墙,防病毒软件和 漏洞管理工具. 你会想知道这些放在哪里, 他们在保护什么, 以及哪些资产与它们相关联. 
  4. 将报告的漏洞与您的清单进行比较: 使用漏洞管理工具 to assess which vulnerabilities exist for which assets in your ecosystem 能帮助您了解组织的安全风险吗. 
  5. 风险分类: Through 漏洞管理工具s you can easily manage which assets you consider to be critical to your organization and, 因此, 优先考虑需要相应地纠正的内容.
  6. TEST! Apply the patches to a representative sample of assets in your lab environment. Stress test the machines to ensure that the patches will not cause issues in your production environment.
  7. 贴片: 一旦你确定了需要首先修复的东西的优先级, 开始打补丁以减少环境中的风险. 更高级的漏洞管理工具还提供以下功能 自动化补丁过程中耗时的部分. Consider rolling the patches out to batches of assets; although you already tested in your lab environment (you did do that right!?)生产中仍有可能出现意想不到的结果. Dip a few toes in before jumping in all the way to make there won’t be any widespread issues.
  8. 跟踪你的进步: 重新评估你的资产以确保补丁是成功的. 


Some best practices to keep in mind when implementing patch management include: 

  • 设定明确的期望并让团队负责任: 利用组织协议, 比如服务水平协议, 能控制团队吗, 并确保降低风险的工作实际上已经完成.
  • 与技术团队协作,确保使用通用语言; 安全团队通常将软件错误称为“风险”,,而IT/DevOps团队可能会使用术语“补丁”.” Making sure that everyone is on the same page and recognizes the importance of patching is key to a successful patch management process. 
  • 建立灾难恢复流程: 以防您的补丁管理过程失败并导致问题, 有个备用计划总是个好主意.  
