Rapid7 Public Policy

Consumers, businesses, and governments increasingly rely on interconnected and complex technologies. 使社会能够安全地从这一进步中获益,需要强有力的网络安全政策, practices, and awareness. To advance this cause, Rapid7与政府合作, companies, non-profits, 还有专家来制定政策, standards, and legislation that benefit consumers and defend responsible cybersecurity practitioners.

Our Policy Work

Computer Access Laws

限制计算机访问和使用的法律应该谨慎地平衡打击网络犯罪的需要与支持安全研究的价值, innovation, 以及其他合法活动.


Independent security research is valuable for advancing cybersecurity, 但《ladbrokes立博中文版》(CFAA)对有益的研究和恶意黑客行为几乎没有区别. 我们支持负责任的CFAA改革和澄清,以保护安全研究人员和互联网用户免受过于宽泛的责任.


The UK's Computer Misuse Act (CMA) imperils the sharing of defensive security tools, provides no acknowledgement of the importance of good faith security research, and fails to define what constitutes authorization for access to systems. Rapid7支持合理的改革,澄清这些问题,在不为滥用创造机会的情况下推进网络安全.



Hack Back


Meet the Team

Deral Heiland

daral Heiland CISSP担任Rapid7的研究主管(IoT). Deral has over 20 years of experience in the Information Technology field, and has held multiple positions including: Senior Network Analyst, Network Administrator, Database Manager, Financial Systems Manager and Senior Information Security Analyst. Over the last 10+ years Deral’s career has focused on security research, security assessments, penetration testing, 为企业和政府机构提供咨询服务. Deral also has conducted security research on numerous technical subjects, 发布白皮书, security advisories, 并在包括黑帽在内的众多国家和国际安全会议上展示了这些信息, Defcon, Shmoocon, DerbyCon, RSAC, Hack In Paris. 德拉尔接受了包括美国广播公司《ladbrokes立博官网》在内的多家媒体和出版物的采访, BBC, Consumer Reports, MIT Technical Review, SC Magazine, 威胁贴和登记簿.

Sabeen Malik

Sabeen Malik is the 全球政府事务和公共政策副总裁 at Rapid7. 在她的教育和职业追求中,她成为了数字经济和技术政策问题的思想领袖, 法律与经济发展, innovation economies, 以及下一代新兴技术和经济趋势. 萨宾曾在私营和公共部门工作, 包括在图钉, Google, 她曾在美国国务院担任负责经济增长的副国务卿的高级技术顾问, Energy, and the Environment. Along with a passion for global technology trends in business and economic issues, 她还擅长弥合公共和私营部门之间的分歧,建立解决全球问题的国际伙伴关系. Sabeen serves on several boards and is a Truman National Security Fellow, Aspen Socrates Fellow, 大西洋理事会非常驻研究员, 斯廷森·卢米斯委员会成员. 她曾在世界银行、联合国和白宫发表演讲.

Tas Giakouminakis
Co-Founder & 首席技术官

Tas Giakouminakis领导着Rapid7的首席技术官办公室, 专注于安全研究, 数据科学和公共政策倡议,通过开放和协作的参与来改善安全社区. 作为Rapid7的联合创始人和首席技术官, Tas previously led the development and integration of Rapid7’s award-winning solutions, driving the technical direction to enable customers through quality, simplicity, and innovation. 在创立Rapid7之前, 塔斯帮助创立了打击乐软件公司, 在那里他领导了打击乐公司第一款产品的开发. He has also developed software in the security and risk areas for CitiCorp. Tas serves on the Information Systems Technical Advisory Committee (ISTAC) at the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, where he advises on export controls related to information security products.